Seth Nabarro


I am a machine learning PhD student at Imperial College London, supervised by Mark van der Wilk and Andrew Davison.

I studied physics at Imperial for my undergrad degree, followed by a master’s degree in computational statistics and machine learning at University College London. Before starting my PhD I was a research engineer at Graphcore, looking at hardware acceleration of probabilistic machine learning.

Among other things I am interested in Bayesian deep learning, Bayesian model selection, local and distributed learning methods, generative modelling.


Nov 7, 2023 Presented some recent papers on forward gradients (Baydin et al., 2022, Ren et al., 2023) at reading group (slides).
Jun 30, 2023 Won Best Poster for Learning in deep factor graphs with Gaussian belief propagation at the Imperial College Computing Summer Conference, 2023.
May 26, 2023 I was identified as a Top Reviewer for UAI 2023.
Aug 5, 2022 Presented Data augmentation in Bayesian neural networks and the cold posterior effect at UAI in Eindhoven.